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Department of High School

Co-Ordinator's Message

Education is the act of developing and training the various intellectual, aesthetic and moral faculties. It helps in disciplining our minds to channel our energies in the right direction. Thus the importance of education cannot be overlooked today and we at SRM strive every day our best to provide quality education to our children which will help rise to the various challenges they face in future. Our teachers make sure that every child is given proper attention in order to achieve his\her full potential. Also, the Management makes sure that extracurricular activities are given equal importance which indeed makes the child’s learning more holistic.


  1.  100% result in Std X.
  2.  To make the students get I class every year
  3.  To Co-ordinate effectively to get state rank.
  4.  To focus more on children to get 100% result from std.VI to IX.
  5.  To inculcate a value based education & teach them moral values

Action Plans

  1. The school is well equipped with one of the best infra-structure and technology enabled methods of teaching.
  2. The classrooms are spacious and well ventilated.
  3. We encourage and motivate each and every child to bring out their potential.
  4. Constant guidance and development programme are organised for the students through various activities and skill based learning.
  5. The school is equipped with the state of the art laboratory for Science, English, Maths and Language. A spacious and well equipped library serves as a treasure of Knowledge.
  6. We achieve 100% results in 10thboard examination.
  7. We provide more exposure through webinars, so that they can gain confidence to face the competitive exams
  8. Preparing training programmes according to the needs.
  9. Scholarships are given to the 10th Toppers according to the percentage obtained. First three toppers from our school in X std public examination joining in the class XI will be given 50% fee concession for the classes XI & XII.
  10. Extracurricular activities are an essential part of school life and helps in fostering learning process of students at school. In SRM Nightingale, activities like music, dance, yoga, karate, drawing, crafts, hand writing, personality development, techno club and literary club are provided to our students. These activities bring out social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress and character appeal in students.
  11. The students are given medical assistance from SRM Hospital which is attached to the school. A medical check- up is done for all the students, yearly once.
  12. A trained counsellor is available to help students to cope up educational and emotional problems.

Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Computer Lab

Biology Lab

English Lab

Maths Lab

Digi Learning

Interactive Board